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2021 Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue Of United States Stamps And Covers 1840-1940

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $199.00. (inc GST)

or 4 payments of $49.75 with Wizit learn more

The Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps and Covers 1840-1940 is the primary source for the issues of the first century of philately.

This unique volume provides further insight and greatly expanded information on early worldwide issues compared to the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogues.

The 2020 Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps and Covers 1840-1940, widely recognized as the best single-volume catalog for classic-era stamps of the world, celebrates its 27th edition this year.

Expanded listings ranging from color varieties to paper varieties to individual never-hinged issues are included in the Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps and Covers 1840-1940. The Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue is also a major source for listings and values for covers, multiples (including strips and blocks of four) for select countries, stamps without gum as well as used pairs.

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Updates for the 2021 Classic Specialized catalog:

  • New on-cover listings have been added to the listings for Alexandretta, Bahrain and Lebanon. The complete list of countries with on-cover values is presented in the catalog introduction.
  • Listings for the first Queen Victoria definitive issue of India have been thoroughly revised and expanded. There are eight new major numbers and 10 new minor numbers that correspond to the different die types and head types. A Special Feature article closely examines the first six issues (Scott 1-6).
  • Local stamps of French Morocco are listed for the first time. One of these fascinating stamps is featured on the cover of the 2021 Classic Specialized catalog.
  • Following the Albania listings are new listings for Central Albania. These stamps feature overprints on earlier Albanian definitive, postage due and revenue stamps, as well as on unissued stamps that were produced in 1913 by an earlier government.
  • Thousands of value changes have been made for Portuguese colonies listings throughout the catalog. Portuguese India sees the addition of more than 250 minor-number listings.
  • Never-hinged values were added or updated for Algeria, Cape Verde, Egypt, French Sudan, Funchal, Hayta, Horta, Inhambane, Jordan, Libya, Madeira, New Zealand, Oman, Palestine, St. Thomas and Prince Islands, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Somaliland Protectorate, Spanish Morocco, Sudan and Syria.
  • Various notes and footnotes have been clarified or expanded to further explain complicated listings.


Contains Stamp Information on the following Countries:

United States (US Confederate States, Guam, Hawaii) – Abu Dhabi – Aden (Kathiri, Quaiti) – Afghanistan – La Aguera – Aitutaki – Alaouites – Albania – Alexandretta – Algeria – Allenstein – Spanish Andorra – French Andorra – Angola – Angra – Anjouan – Annam & Tonkin – Antigua – Argentina (Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Corrientes) – Armenia – Ascension – Australian States(New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia) – Australia – Austria (Austrian Offices Abroad, Lombardy Venetia) – Azerbaijan – Azores – Bahamas – Bahrain – Bangkok – Barbados – Barbuda – Basutoland – Batum – Bechuanaland – Bechuanaland Protectorate – Belgian Congo – Belgium – Benin – Bermuda – Bolivia – Bosnia & Herzegovina – Brazil – British Central Africa – British East Africa – British Guiana – British Honduras – Brunei – Bulgaria – Burma – Bushire – Cameroun – Canadian Provinces (British Columbia & Vancouver Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island) – Canada – Cape Juby – Cape of Good Hope – Cape Verde – Caroline Islands – Castellorizo – Cayman Islands – Central Lithuania – Ceylon – Chad – Chile – China (China Provinces, Offices in Tibet, Shanghai, China Treaty Ports) – Cilicia – Cochin China – Colombia, Columbian States (Antioquia, Bolivar, Boyaca, Cundinamarca, Santander, Tolima) – Cook Islands – Corfu – Costa Rica (Guanacaste) – Crete – Cuba – Cyprus – Cyrenaica – Czechoslovakia (Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Legion) – Dahomey – Dalmatia – Danish West Indies – Danzig – Denmark – Diego Suarez – Dominica – Dominican Republic – East Africa & Uganda Protectorates – Eastern Rumelia – Eastern Silesia – Ecuador – Egypt – Elobey, Annobon & Corisco – Epirus – Eritrea – Estonia – Ethiopia – Falkland Islands (Falkland Dependencies) – Far Eastern Republic – Faroe Islands – Fernando Po – Fiji – Finland – Fiume – France (French Offices Abroad – Reunion) – French Colonies – French Congo – French Equatorial Africa – French Guiana – French Guinea – French India – French Morocco – French Oceania – French Sudan – Funchal – Gabon – Gambia – Georgia – German East Africa – German New Guinea – German South West Africa – German States (Baden, Bavaria, Bergedorf, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Hanover, Lubeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, North German Confederation, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Thurn & Taxis, Wurttemberg) – Germany (German Occupations, German Offices Abroad) – Gibraltar – Gilbert & Ellice Islands – Gold Coast – Grand Comoro – Great Britain (British Offices Abroad) – Greece – Greenland – Grenada – Griqualand West – Guadeloupe – Guatemala – Haiti – Hatay – Heligoland – Honduras – Hong Kong – Horta – Hungary (Hungary Occupations, Western Hungary) – Iceland – India – India Convention States (Chamba, Faridkot, Gwalior, Jind, Nabha, Patiala) – India Feudatory States (Alwar, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal, Bhor, Bijawar, Bundi, Bussahir, Charkhari, Cochin, Dhar, Duttia, Faridkot, Hyderabad, Idar, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu & Kashmir, Jasdan, Jhalawar, Jind, Kishangarh, Kotah, Las Bela, Morvi, Nandgaon, Nowanuggur, Orchha, Poonch, Rajasthan, Rajpeepla, Sirmoor, Soruth, Tonk, Travancore, Travancore-Cochin, Wadhwan) – Indo-China – Inhambane – Inini – Ionian Islands – Iran – Iraq – Ireland – Italian Colonies – Italian East Africa – Italian States (Modena, Parma, Romagna, Roman States, Sardinia, Tuscany, Two Sicilies) – Italy (Italian Offices Abroad, Aegean Islands) – Ivory Coast – Jamaica – Japan (Japanese Offices Abroad) – Jordan – Karelia – Kenya, Uganda, & Tanzania – Kiauchau – Kionga – Korea – Kuwait – Labuan – Lagos – Latakia – Latvia – Lebanon – Leeward Islands – Liberia – Libya – Liechtenstein – Lithuania – Lourenco Marques – Luxembourg – Macao – Madagascar – Madeira – Malaya – Malaya States (Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Sabah, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Trengganu) – Maldive Islands – Malta – Manchukuo – Mariana Islands – Marienwerder – Marshall Islands – Martinique – Mauritania – Mauritius – Mayotte – Memel – Mesopotamia – Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Cuautla, Cuernavaca, Guadalajara, Merida, Tlacotalpan, Sinaloa, Yucatan) – Middle Congo – Moheli – Monaco – Mongolia – Montenegro – Montserrat – Morocco – Mozambique – Mozambique Company – Natal – Nauru – Nepal – Netherlands – Netherlands Antilles – Netherlands Indies – Nevis – New Britain – New Caledonia – New Guinea – British New Hebrides – French New Hebrides – New Republic – New Zealand – Nicaragua (Province of Zelaya, Cabo Gacias A Dois) – Niger – Niger Coast Protectorate – Nigeria – Niue – Norfolk Island – North Borneo – Northern Nigeria – Northern Rhodesia – North Ingermanland – North West Pacific Islands – Norway – Nossi-Be – Nyasaland Protectorate – Nyassa – Obock – Oltre Giuba – Oman – Orange River Colony – Pakistan (Bahawalpur) – Palestine – Panama – Papua – Paraguay – Penrhyn Island – Peru (Ancachs, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Chachapoyas, Chala, Chiclayo, Cuzco, Huacho, Moquegua, Paita, Pasco, Pisco, Piura, Puno, YCA) – Philippines – Pitcairn Islands – Poland (Polish Offices Abroad) – Ponta Delgada – Portugal – Portuguese Africa – Portuguese Congo – Portuguese Guinea – Portuguese India – Puerto Rico – Quelimane – Rhodesia – Rio De Oro – Romania (Romania Occupation) – Rouad, Ile – Ruanda-Urundi – Russia (Wenden (Livonia), Army of the Northwest, Army of the North, Russian Offices Abroad) – Saar – St. Christopher – St. Helena – St. Kitts-Nevis – St. Lucia – Ste. Marie de Madagascar – St. Pierre & Miquelon – St. Thomas & Prince Island – St. Vincent – El Salvador – Samoa – San Marino – Sarawak – Saseno – Saudi Arabia (Hejaz, Jedda, Nejdi) – Schleswig – Senegal – Senegambia & Niger – Serbia – Seychelles – Siberia – Sierra Leone – Singapore – Slovakia – Solomon Islands – Somalia – Somali Coast – Somaliland Protectorate – South Africa – Southern Nigeria – Southern Rhodesia – South Russia – South West Africa – Spain (Carlist Stamps, Revolutionary Overprints) – Spanish Guinea – Spanish Morocco – Tetuan – Tangier – Spanish Sahara – Stellaland – Straits Settlements – Sudan – Surinam – Swaziland – Sweden – Switzerland – Syria (Issues of The Arabian Government) – Tahiti – Tanganyika – Tannu Tuva – Tete – Thailand – Thrace – Tibet – Timor – Tobago – Togo – Tokelau – Tonga – Transcaucasian Federated Republic – Transvaal – Trinidad – Trinidad & Tobago – Tripolitania – Tristan da Cunha – Tunisia – Turkey – Turkey in Asia – Turks & Caicos Islands – Turks Islands – Ubangi-Shari – Uganda – Ukraine – Upper Senegal & Niger – Upper Silesia – Upper Volta – Uruguay – Vatican City – Venezuela (Port of Carupano, Port of Guayana) – Virgin Islands – Wallis & Futuna Islands – Western Ukraine – Yemen – Yugoslavia – Zambezia – Zanzibar – Zululand

Info from Amosadvantage Website.

Additional information

Weight 2.675 kg
Dimensions 21 × 28.5 × 4.5 cm


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